Chocolate Smoothie with whipped cream and Cinnamon Date Swirls

Chocolate Smoothie with whipped cream and Cinnamon Date Swirls

Recommended Swirls Flavors - Cinnamon Date, Banana Date, Blueberry Date


·  Cinnamon Date Swirls chopped

·  2 cups unsweetened almond milk

·  1/4 cup quick oats

·  2 ripe, frozen bananas

1/2 cup Greek yogurt, plain

2 Tbsp. creamy peanut butter

2 Tbsp. cocoa powder

1 tsp. vanilla extract


1.    Blend all ingredients until smooth.

2.    Taste and adjust – you may want to add more milk to thin it out or add more chocolate to your desired taste and texture!

3.    Add whipped cream and the chopped the Cinnamon Date Swirls.

4.    Enjoy!